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Children’s Dental Health Month

Children mirror their parent’s behaviors. Let that sink in for a minute! When you look at it through this lens, what we say and do becomes a great responsibility. What your children or grandchildren see you do will set the stage for their behaviors for the rest of their lives. The NUMBER 1 thing you … Continued

New Year’s (re)SOLUTIONS

In case you’ve already given up on losing weight and hitting the gym every day, here is a quick list of (re)SOLUTIONS to get your 2022 started off right! Replace Your Tooth Brush Worn and frayed bristles are less effective at brushing your teeth. A worn brush means you have to scrub harder which risks … Continued

Have You Been Naughty or Nice to Your Teeth?

It’s not easy to stay healthy during the holidays. Sweets seem to appear everywhere you go, and with all of the present-wrapping and card-writing, there’s not much time to devote to you and your family’s health and well-being. Luckily, Hermey the Elf, best known for his adventures with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, joined forces with … Continued

Toothpaste Explained!

Toothpaste is a key part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Along with your toothbrush and floss it helps to remove food debris and plaque from your teeth and gums.Toothpastes can come in a gel, paste or powder form. While the ingredients differ slightly, all toothpastes contain the same general components: Mild abrasive. With some … Continued

Managing Dry Mouth

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, may be may be caused by factors such as medications, medical treatments, or certain habits like tobacco use. Dry mouth can also occur along with certain medical conditions. For example, it is a key indication of Sjögren’s syndrome, a disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own moisture-producing … Continued

DIY Tooth Whitening

During the pandemic, many people attempted “do-it-yourself” (DIY) projects around the house. Since we couldn’t get out, you may have tried some DIY health projects as well! Listed below is our professional opinion on many of the purported ways to lighten your teeth and brighten your smile. Baking Soda Brushing your teeth with baking soda … Continued

Fresh Breath Tips

If you have ever been self-conscious of your breath while on a date, during a job interview, or in a social situation, you can understand why many people seek treatment for bad breath. When trying to put your best foot forward, you don’t want to get tripped up by your mouth! The following are tips … Continued

Vacation Dental Emergency Tips

Many a vacation has been temporarily derailed by a dental emergency. As a dental practice in a heavily-touristed area, we often see visitors who are experiencing urgent situations involving their teeth. While prevention is key, a lecture from your dentist won’t do you any good while you are trying to escape your normal life for … Continued

Summer Dental Tips

Summer’s here and the time is right for taking care of your teeth! While we tend to go free and easy during our vacations and leisure time, it is important to keep a routine so we don’t have any dental surprises when the heat starts to fade in a few months. STICK WITH THE PROGRAM … Continued

Baby Boomer Dentistry

Today’s seniors may be older, but they are also wiser. Having seen many changes in the delivery of dentistry as well as the social value of a beautiful, healthy smile, the Baby Boomer Generation has a greater appreciation of oral health than past generations. Many Boomers are staying in the workforce longer and others are … Continued
Michael D. Gillespie, DDS

Michael D. Gillespie, DDS